04 June, 2008

Aesop's Fables

Hi there, i'm working on a series of acrylic paintings of the Aesop's Fables. Here are a couple that are not so well known: The Bull and the Gnat and The Dove and the Ant. I really like the size difference between the two animals in each story. The ant is a bit tricky to see as the photo is a little too dark - he's there in the water - don't worry there's a happy ending, the dove saves him!


John Rabou said...

Wow Claire, these are beautiful.
One can see that Aesop really did inspire you.
I'm very curious to see the rest as well. Will they be published?

GCI said...
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Leighton Noyes said...

Hello Claire, I once had to do a perspective pic similar to the one you've done with the ant. But mine looks rubbish next to yours.

Claire Tindall said...

I'm so pleased you like them. They are a personal project so won't be published, I've got a couple more to post soon but one of them is at that - 'not quite sure if it's right stage'.
