07 August, 2008

Well my friends have gone and my hair is grey...

...and I ache in the places where I used to play so that's why, every opportunity I get, I'm on my patio (excuse the mess) with charcoal and an easel. This drawing is of Leonard Cohen and I'm doing it for my little brother who's a big fan of his. It's far from finished and I'm leaving his lips 'til last as I find lips a bit fiddly but I'm taking my time anyway and maybe spend only 20/30 minutes on it a day. Providing it's not raining.

I don't know about you lot but taking a break from the desk and taking to the easel is something I look forward to a lot. When them deadlines are a looming and things are getting pressured and when the going gets tough, the tough sketch Cohen.

Did you see what I did there? Ahhh, you'll come for the drawings but you'll stay for the weak puns.


French Fancy... said...

That's a superb impression of Lenny.

Chris.P said...

Great likeness. Very impressive.

Leighton Noyes said...

You're very kind, thank you both.

Anonymous said...

Smashing portrait, young man!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

There's a mighty judgement coming, but I may be wrong. You just hear these funny voices, in the tower of song.

Love Leonard.